
Archive for the ‘Exponential Technologies’ Category

Life expectancy forecast to exceed 90 years in coming decades

February 25, 2017 Leave a comment

Life expectancy will soon exceed 90 years for the first time, scientists have predicted, overturning all the assumptions about human longevity that prevailed at the beginning of the 20th century. Women born in South Korea in 2030 are forecast to have a life expectancy of 90, a study has found.

Lenovo Health and Orbita launch voice-enabled home health assistant

February 24, 2017 Leave a comment

Lenovo Health has joined forces with Orbita, a connected home healthcare technology vendor, to unveil a virtual home care system at HIMSS17 based on two recently debuted products: Lenovo Smart Assistant and Orbita Voice.

TeleRobotic Procedures via VR Cockpit are closer than you think

May 15, 2016 Leave a comment

       Back in 2011 I had the opportunity of assisting Singularity University’s first FutureMed (now known as Exponential Medicine). I was exposed to several exponential technologies. Relevant to this post was the talk given about Driverless Cars by Brad Templeton. Back in 2011, in general, people said this was not feasible and it would take more than 20 years for this to happen. Well , I believe everyone now understands how deceiving exponential trends can affect our daily life.

SRI new robot Taurus

      As a Pioneer in the incorporation of Augmented Reality and Virtual reality in the medical field, in particular, Interventional Cardiology which is my specialty.

      In the last couple of years I have focused in the implementation of Virtual Reality in the cathlab and was the first one to record with Jaunt VR some procedures. Once I reviewed the recorded 360 experience I understood the wide array of possible applications and implications. I have mentioned medical education, patient education, decreasing stress and anxiety, decreasing arrhythmias in the hospital setting and one that seems more far away the Virtual Reality Cockpit which could guide telerobotic procedures.

    This last month 2 very important research studies have been released:

1) The CORA-PCI Study (presented at SCAI) evaluated the feasibility of performing PCI in patients with complex coronary lesions using robotic technology to remotely control coronary guidewires and stents. Dr. Mahmud showed how at this point in time robotic technology to perform PCI is a viable alternative to manual PCI. Key words are AT THIS POINT IN TIME. As a technology enthuthiast I guarantee you this will change to be the norm and will allow us to perform intervention in a quicker and safer manner. (I know many will think this is nonesense, but everything I have been saying since a medstudent regarding implementation of technology has eventually happened and always considered nonesense. So let me just say this will happen)


2) As A VR pioneer and enthuthiast I find the following study tremendously exciting. Even more exciting is that this comes from @DisneyResearch which I just find it as a breath of fresh AIR! The study is “A Hybrid Hydrostatic Transmission and Human-Safe Haptic Telepresence Robot”

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The latter is not directly related to medicine but this just proves that what I said at @CRT_Meeting is true. (Which I managed to record in 360 immersive video, pardon the youtube quality) The Virtual Reality Cockpit is coming and it will allow us to perform TeleRobotic Procedures.


Applying a Gamified Social Network to improve medical education and patient care

November 9, 2014 Leave a comment

Back in 2010-2011 before even going to Singularity University Exponential Medicine, I envisioned a different way of rounding and providing patient care. An environment that would engage medical students, residents, fellows faculty as well as the patient in a platform that empowered all of them to participate and learn. When different teams round in an institution, there are straight cases and then there are more challenging ones.

LRN2DAY-ALMOSTWhat this platform allowed was for the different teams to share with the institution the cases and create an environment that inspired discussion between individuals. Imagine the facebook or yammer of the hospital. Gamification was incorporated which allowed proper selection of faculty or resident of the month or year. It also empowered the patient to participate in his health inside and outside the hospital.

Back in 2010-2011 this concept was considered crazy-unusual like many great ideas. I proposed it to different institutions, many liked it many did not. Truth is, 4 years later, many talk about this potential now but many too scared to implement it. At this point in time I am the Cofounder and chief medical officer of Curely, which is basically the Uber of Medicine. A telehealth marketplace that aims to democratize medicine. This in addition to my medical profession take most of my time and have no room for this project…

For this reason, I am uploading my sketches, envisioned prototype for anyone to use, modify and create. Have in mind this was created in 2010-2011 and yet, I believe its concept is still pretty innovative for 2014.

The paltform’s name was LRN2DAY or Caseday. In case you want to explore more about the files I am attaching the dropbox folder with slides and a “demo” of it.  If you have keynote, check the slideshow and it will give you a better idea.  Feel free to use as you please!




The future of healthcare is here and it is a telehealth marketplace.

October 8, 2014 Leave a comment

There is no doubt that Telemedicine is the future in  healthcare. Laws and Regulations are changing and evolving at an exponential pace. In order for doctors and patients to take full advantage of telehealth and telemedicine, a platform cannot focus on the present but needs to be able to seamlessly evolve and adapt to the future. The Co-Founders of Curely (proud to be one of them) figured this out when we met at Singularity University  Exponential Medicine. With the help of a “Dream Team” Advisory board, Medical Visionaries, and Engineers, Curely has anticipated  the future of medicine. The first step is focusing on the  “SOUL” of medicine. It is not the doctor or patient as a single entity but them as a whole. We believe it’s the collaboration of both Doctors and Consumers.


Curely is a Telehealth-Marketplace, in other words it is the “Uber” or “Airbnb” of Medicine. It enables you to speak directly with doctors all over the world and inform yourselves on everyday health issues.  You can decide to have a free 5 minute consultation or place a bid for a premium consultation.  We see the interaction being similar to that of talking to doctor friends, or doctors in the family that speak freely and truthfully. As physicians we understand the frustrations that can ensue from making a doctors appointment, driving to the clinic, waiting in the lobby for only a short session. We aim to change that. We want you to be in control, whether it is choosing a doctor, language or even setting your own price. At the end of the session, you get to review your doctor. If you liked the doctor, hand out badges that will help their clinic and their reputation or share on your social media to promote their online clinic.


1) Curely allows you to test the waters of Telemedicine or Telehealth by interacting with patients the way it was meant to be. A direct and honest conversation. The way you would speak to your father, brother if they had a medical question. At this point in time it is not meant to substitute a clinical visit. But, as I said, we are anticipating this, and Curely will evolve on designated time frames.

2) Some of you are already comfortable with social networks, interacting with patients this way. Gain reputation points, badges that will improve your future Online Clinic in the platform. Help educate and inform consumers of their everyday health questions and give them clarity. By using Curely at this point you will gain an advantage over others to kick start your online reputation and your practice.

3) If you do not want to test Curely, I invite you to test other platforms and explore telemedicine. If you are not open to such technology at this point in time, the future will bring an interesting awakening.

Changing the way healthcare or medicine is offered is challenging. We need to regain the trust that has been destroyed.

For those consumers looking for answers, (Myself included) next time you have a question, come and try Curely. Why go to the internet and do a search when you can talk with top of the line specialists in many cases for free? At this stage you are coming to Curely to inform yourselves, to learn, and get particular recommendations. It is Not meant to substitute an in-person  clinic visit.

Current Feedbacks from our beta-consumers and doctors have been very positive to say the least. As we evolve, It will only get better. For now… Welcome to Curely, welcome to the future of Healthcare.

The Exponential Regurgitation of Misinformation is real and dangerous

September 20, 2014 Leave a comment

As the adoption of Social Networks has increased over the last couple of years we have also witnessed a shift of the material that is posted and shared by individuals. Unless you go to reddit, in which Cat posts predominate (kidding btw I love reddit, recommend /r/science, futurology, technology). Many blogs out there tend to find an interesting article from a scientific journal one that is popular in the news and change the title to a “Sexy” provocative combination of words that will awaken an urge to click. Why? Because Clicks = traffic, Traffic = money from Ads.speaker-stop-vomiting-information.jpg-e1406587759559 copy

I will not mention blog names but you all know which they are. In many cases people retweet, re-share content without really reading the article. They get enamored by the sexy title and enjoy the likes, shares, retweets etc. In order not to spread  erroneous information, it is  extremely important, at least  in medical related material, to question and learn more before re-sharing and re-tweeting.

Thus -> The  Exponential Regurgitation of Misinformation Factor (ERoM Factor). Which addresses the number of times a trending topic has been posted without it being properly digested by the reader
0) User read scientific related data and agrees with the post.
1) Post impacting the individuals life or daily conversations
2) Post impacting the poster’s friends, family, acquaintances circles
3) Post impacting other individuals by the shares of his circles.

Hopefully your next science or medical shared posts have an EROM Factor of 0

Unleashing the power of Telemedicine by democratizing Healthcare

September 17, 2014 Leave a comment

2014-06-18 logo combo(72dpi)

Exponential technologies are disrupting every profession, changing the way companies and businesses function, making everything more efficient through constant inter-activity. It is time for this trend to take hold of medicine as a whole. It is time for a change.

Curely is the first tele-health marketplace developed by a co-founding team united through Singularity University. Curely empowers doctors to find and meet consumers around the world and expand their practice and income. For consumers, Curely helps them find clarity to their everyday health questions by placing them in the driver’s seat and allowing them to choose the doctor and set their own price via an innovative reverse-auction system.


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Telemedicine is expected to rise 68% by 2015 yet many doctors do not feel comfortable using online platforms due to several reasons. Curely is here to catalyze this process and create the most productive and efficient interaction between doctor and patients. This will work by a concept that will evolve from a doctor educating patients to possibly opening an online clinic in the Curely Platform in a near future.

To get the iOS app click on the images below to go to the itunes store.

Link for Consumers (click on image)               Link for Doctors  (click on image)    

Consumer Formmail 08-12-14

 Form-Mail B

If you are an MD and would like to be added to our beta-list please send a tweet to @CurelyMD


Flu Vaccine and the importance in understanding the difference between Methylmercury vs Ethylmercury

June 4, 2014 Leave a comment

Hello friends, I stumbled on  a post being shared in social networks  and I had to do some digging because it was unsettling. The post mentions that the Flu Vaccine has 25,000 times higher mercury level than EPA limit for water. Obviously this raised concerns so I did what most people should do but usually do not, GET MORE DATA.

Then after reading different sites they all agreed with the Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC). There are 2 types of mercury;
1) Ethylmercury: This is the natural mercury turning into METHYLMERCURY by different types of bacteria in the environment. At high levels, it can be toxic to people. HAVING SAID THAT..

2) FLU VACCINE HAS ETHYLMERCURY: they are processed differently in the human body!!! “Ethylmercury is broken down and excreted much more rapidly than methylmercury. Therefore, ethylmercury (the type of mercury found in the influenza vaccine) is much less likely than methylmercury (the type of mercury in the environment) to accumulate in the body and cause harm: This comes from CDCexposureaScreen Shot 2014-06-04 at 2.09.38 PM

– Drink METHANOL and it will be poisonous
– Drink ETHANOL and you will get a buzz and if abused bad hangover

Information like this is what is causing news like this ->



Seniors from Drexel’s Inaugural Product Design Class Create Prototypes that Solve Real-World Problems

June 1, 2014 Leave a comment

Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from asthma. When Osman Cueto was five years old, he found out he was one of them. Upon being diagnosed with the chronic disease, Cueto, now a senior product design major at Drexel University, was prescribed an inhaler to treat his symptoms.

How Drones Can Save Lives Around The World

June 1, 2014 Leave a comment

Drones don’t have the greatest reputation, thanks to the fact that they’ve mostly been used for spy missions and as remote killing machines. But a team at Ideo.